A Simple Gesture Brand Evolution

Client Partner:

A Simple Gesture

Leaning in on What You're Known For
Deeply identified by their green food delivery bags, our new logo for A Simple Gesture incorporated elements of a grocery bag icon to capitalize on how the organization is associated with their totes.

A Simple Gesture’s success as a hunger relief program was constrained by a brand identity that felt familiar but didn’t represent its expansion of services and community partners.


Use the green bag model and expand the identity so that it could be more versatile in programs that include local retail food networks. Also, integrate a tagline that captures the purpose.


The logo incorporates the green bag while using an arrow to illustrate the program’s role in transporting unused food from one table to another. The tagline cleverly elevates its purpose to “move hunger off the table.”


GDUSA Design Award
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You took our ideas, listened carefully to our concerns, and made something that truly represents our community and our brand. I am blown away at your understanding, compassion, and kindness. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
Leslie L.
President & COO

Generated as a grassroots identity that blossomed with community adoption, the original logo had several phases of its existence - all of which suggested their work was a food bank, which it isn’t. To get past this, we focused on the movement of food (echoed in the tagline) to ensure clarity about ASG’s commitment to taking food that would be unused and getting it to tables that need it.