2023 Health + Justice Report

Triad Health Project
Online & Multi-media for a More Compelling EOY Report

We wanted to avoid text density to improve the likelihood that the report would be fully read while ensuring key points of information were communicated to the audience.


AGI was to develop an online report that maximized readership through judicious, intentional, and compelling design.


We designed a visually balanced, landing page that delivered THP’s content in easily scannable, digestible ways both as written text and in video.



Video Testimonial

As an online report, there is flexibility to add multimedia elements to tell the story of THP’s work. We included a video by Associate Director of Care & Wellness Jennifer Nichols to describe their approach, which helped the report be less textually dense.

Visual Richness

This digital format allowed for generous use of photography to show their programmatic and advocacy efforts, to structure sections of the report, and to give a strong visual counterpoint to the text. Also, icons scaled large for an infographic of their 2023 highlights diversified the visual components while helping to disseminate top-line data points demonstrating THP’s impact.

Immediate Call-to-Action

The online format offers the opportunity for an immediately actionable item at the end of the report. After reading the page and having been persuaded by the content, a reader can easily choose the support THP’s work by the clicking donation button at the bottom. This ease and immediacy removes extraneous steps or other obstacles to giving, increasing the likelihood of conversion and expanding an organization’s support base.